Antioch Family Dentist Provides Historic Information about Our Ancestors’ Teeth
We’ve come a long way in terms of evolution, but have you ever wondered how our teeth have progressed, as well? Our smiles have gone through a lot and still do to this day, even with all of the advances in technology that is at our disposal. Your Antioch family dentist wants to share some history about the way our teeth have molded to how they look now.
The most common fossils of our ancestors, also known as hominin, are mostly teeth since they’re the hardest part of the human body. This provides a lot of helpful information of the time period that they’re from, their diet and more. As humans continued to evolve, the teeth actually shrink. It’s most noticeable in the teeth in the back, which are your wisdom teeth. Nowadays, because of the work done to wisdom teeth over a period of time, most wisdom teeth are extremely small and in some cases, not even developed. But with hominins, their wisdom teeth were about two to four times larger than that.
The reason that modern human’s teeth have shrunk is because of the professional work that has been done over the years, molding smiles in the future.
There are also other speculations and ideas for the shift, literally and figuratively, in our teeth. Click here to read more about what researchers and scientists have to say about these fossils.
Make sure you’re always taking care of your smile by visiting your Antioch family dentist! Contact our office today to schedule an appointment by calling (925) 777-1719.