Your Antioch Dentist Wants to Share Why Diet Sodas are Harmful, Too
When starting a diet, many people attempt to eliminate the one thing that they believe is harming them the most—sugar. Unfortunately, most foods and drinks are broken down into sugar regardless. But when people are switching and substituting items, one of the more popular diet choices is diet drinks, especially sodas. While the less amount of sugar, the better, your Antioch dentist wants you to know that these diet sodas can still harm your teeth!
The amount of sugar in foods and drinks contribute to negative dental health, so the idea of eliminating them would seem to equate having positive dental health, but that’s not always the case. When it comes to any kind of soda, including diet, there’s still a large amount of acidity that weakens the structure of your enamel (the surface of your teeth), which puts your smile at risk.
Learn about why diet drinks aren’t your best diet choice and don’t forget to make an appointment with your Antioch dentist to learn more tips about taking care of your pearly whites by calling our office at (925) 777-1719.