Antioch CA Dentist Wants Patients to Learn about Mouthwash to Utilize Advantages
Along with flossing, the use of mouthwash is one of the more ignored activities that should be included in your oral hygiene routine. Many patients believe that solely brushing their teeth is enough to keep their oral health intact, but, unfortunately, that isn’t true. The use of mouthwash can improve your dental care, but only if it’s used correctly. Below, your Antioch CA dentist is here to tell you some facts about mouthwash that patients may not have known before!
Don’t Believe that All Mouthwashes are Alike
Much like toothpaste, there are different kinds of mouthwashes that all provide different services, depending on which one is purchased. There are mouthwashes that are strictly for cosmetic reasons, like freshening your mouth and lessen the amount of bacteria in your mouth. There are also mouthwashes for therapeutic reasons that help fight the growth of plaque and cavities to protect your teeth.
Use Mouthwash for the Correct Amount of Time
If you use mouthwash for only a few seconds, then you’re not getting the most use out of it. Many people claim that they can’t hold the wash in their mouth for too long because it’s too painful or it stings too much, but it’s important to know that there’s a certain amount of mouthwash that should be used each time and it’s not a large amount. While there’s no avoiding the stings because that means the mouthwash is doing its work, be careful of the amount that you use because it could be dangerous to your oral health.
Mouthwash isn’t a Permanent Solution for Bad Breath
Bad breath is something that everyone is plagued with from time to time, but if this is a constant issue, then contact your dentist as soon as possible. Bad breath can turn into a serious medical condition called halitosis and a simple rinse of mouthwash won’t make it go away forever! Mouthwash is only made to relieve bad breath for a short period of time and won’t solve an underlying problem permanently.
To protect your oral health, keeping up with your bi-annual check-ups are extremely important! Contact your Antioch CA dentist by calling this number (925) 777-1719 or clicking here to request an appointment today.