Antioch General Dentist Wants Your Smile to Shine at All Times!
Being on the move at all times, especially since the holidays are coming up fast, can make it difficult to remember simple daily tasks like washing your face and brushing your teeth. Unfortunately, forgetting these steps during your day can harm your health. Forgetting to brush your teeth in the morning before you start your day can cause your teeth some suffering and, over time, perhaps some permanent damage. Thankfully, your Antioch general dentist provides tips in order to protect your teeth while you’re on the go!
Chew Sugar-Free Gum
Carrying around sugar-free gum will not only help your breath if you’re experiencing a strong smell but will reduce the chances of you suffering from cavities and other bacterial problems. If you allow your teeth to suffer, you may experience tooth decay over time and eventually tooth loss. With sugarless gum, you’re helping reactivate your saliva glands in order to coat your teeth to strengthen your enamel.
Drink Water
Although this may seem obvious, drinking water will help rinse out any lingering food particles and bacteria from your previous meal. This, along with drinking water throughout your entire day instead of any other harmful drinks, will help trigger your saliva instead of drying out your mouth.
Avoid Snacking
A huge problem for patients who suffer from cavities and other dental issues is the consistent snacking. Even though you’re on the go, try to keep in mind that snacking is only going to hurt your teeth even more. When you snack, you’re not allowing your teeth any sort of time to relieve themselves from the attacks of bacteria. Since you didn’t brush your teeth in the morning, they’re constantly in pain, even though you may not know it.
To learn more about saving your teeth on the go, contact your Antioch general dentist by calling our office at (925) 777-1719 or clicking here to request an appointment online!