Here's What your Dentist might Discover by Looking in your Mouth
At East Bay Dental, patients receive excellent care from experienced dentists and staff. Importantly, they also receive the care they need in a warm and welcoming environment. When you visit the dentist for your routine exam, you may think that we may find cavities or possibly evidence of gum disease. These are the two conditions that most people associate with dentistry. It's not that we look for anything more (other than oral cancer and other unhealthy oral disease), but there are things that we can tell about you by looking in your mouth. Here are some of the secrets that your mouth could give away.
- You have a little soda habit. A lot of people drink soda; many of them have enjoyed this beverage of choice since their childhood. Something interesting has changed about soda in the past few decades, though, and it is causing new problems for consumers. It used to be that soda was sweetened with sugar. This had dentists concerned about cavities. Now, most sodas are sweetened with high-fructose corn syrup. They are preserved, in part, with acidic ingredients. These substances sit on teeth and cause enamel to erode. Erosion has also been noted as a significant problem for kid who regularly drink sports drinks as an alternative to soda.
- You have little flossing habit. Translation: you floss occasionally, if at all. This is evident even if you floss just before your exam. In fact, when you do this, your gum tissue may actually look more inflamed under magnification due to the slight abrasion of the floss!
- You have a problem with stress. We all face stressors as we go through life, and the body has a way of "working it out." One of those ways is to subconsciously clench the jaw or grind teeth together during sleeping hours. This is called bruxism. When you do this, your teeth may become excessively worn, or even cracked. Bruxism also causes strain on the joints in the jaw, which can cause symptoms such as generalized pain or popping when you open and close your mouth.
There is value in the fact that your Antioch dentist at East Bay Dental can tell these and other things about you by examining your mouth. Not only does it facilitate personal care, but it may also alert you to potential health conditions. For your exam and cleaning, call (925) 777-1719.